How to renew for your next season with SportUP!

If when you signed up you indicated that you'd like us to auto-debit your account in week 8, you'll see this amount taken out of your account in this round of fixtures, it's $200. 

What if I don't want to do auto-debit but would like to keep playing?

No problem! Just shoot an email to to let us know and we will send you an invoice to your email via Stripe. 

How do I secure my spot next season?

All you will need to do to lock in your next season with us is pay the $200 holding invoice.

What if my team is still working out numbers in week 8?

Just get in touch with us by sending an email to before your week 8 game.  

When is my team season fee due?

Once you've paid your holding invoice (either by direct debit or Stripe invoice) you're all set for the new season, and your remaining team balance will be due before your second game with us for the new season!

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